In this 3-day training, we will present the Strong Roots Perinatal DBT curriculum and provide participants with opportunities to explore ways to successfully integrate it into their practice, in both group and individual settings.
Strong Roots Perinatal DBT is a 12-week model with a 2-week orientation, combining parenting and mental health group interventions for mothers in the perinatal period. Created by Katie Bresky, LMSW, Natalie Burns, LMSW, Maria Muzik, MD, MSc, and Kate Rosenblum, PhD, ABPP, and based on the work of Marsha Linehan, PhD, it is a treatment approach well-suited to honor the biological, environmental, mood, and interpersonal changes present in the perinatal period. The treatment incorporates several evidence-based therapies, including DBT, Strong Roots concepts, Interpersonal Psychotherapy, and Infant-Parent Psychotherapy, and is rooted in trauma-informed principles.
* After completing the Strong Roots Perinatal DBT Training, trainees must participate in 6 sessions of Reflective Consultation with Zero to Thrive, at a cost of $1,350, if they intend to implement a Strong Roots Perinatal DBT group. Individual consultation sessions are also available in 1.5-hour increments at $250 each.
Mental health and other health providers interested in providing support to birthing people in the perinatal period (pregnancy - 2 years postpartum).
Additional Training Dates:
November 5-6, 2025
9am - 4pm ET