Strong Roots

Group-Based Programs to Support Families and Caregivers of Young Children

Promoting health and resilience by fostering safe, strong, and positive relationships for families, agencies, and communities from pregnancy to age 6.

Watch this video to learn more about Strong Roots

Early relationships lay the foundation for children’s developmental success and thriving families.

To be successful, children need emotional safety and strong connections, or Strong Roots. We use the metaphor of a tree to illustrate how, like trees, we all need strong roots to grow, branch out, and thrive. When parents meet their children’s needs for nurture and support, it builds and strengthens those roots, ensuring that children have what is needed for health and well-being. Our Strong Roots Programs recognize that parents also have needs for connection and support, and our programming strives to both meet parents’ own needs for support as they reflect on their experiences, and to encourage parents as they grow the skills and tools they can use to promote their own and their children’s health and wellbeing.  

We believe that Strong Roots concepts are the universal foundation of all responsive service delivery systems that touch the lives of pregnant women and families with children age 0-6. By focusing on developing strong relationships, we inspire and support resilience in children, parents, service providers, communities, and the efficacy of systems.

Strong Roots Programs

Group-Based Programs to Support Families and Caregivers of Young Children

Mom Power

(Core Training)

For Mothers

Perinatal DBT

To Support Mental Health in Pregnancy and Postpartum

Strong Beginnings

For Parents, Caregivers, or Professionals in the Child Welfare System

Strong Military Families

For Military Families

Parent Cafe

Parent-to-Parent Support

Fraternity of Fathers

For Fathers

Hearts & Minds on Babies

For Early Childhood Educators

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Strong Roots Pillars

The Strong Roots Programs include five pillars:

  • Attachment-based parenting psychoeducation
  • Supported parent-child interactions
  • Enhanced social support
  • Connection to culturally relevant resources
  • Self-care

The long-term outcome of these pillars is to provide enhanced protective factors for families with young children. This includes an increased knowledge of parenting and child development, strengthened child social-emotional competence, increased social connections, improved access to concrete support in times of need, and strengthened parent and family resiliency.

Learn Strong Roots


Learn evidence-based group programs to help address multi-generational effects of inequity, trauma, and adversity from pregnancy through early childhood.



Bring Strong Roots Principles and Practices to your organization. These are targeted workshops that quickly infuse the Strong Roots concepts and skills necessary to promote resiliency in pregnant women and families with young children.


Encounter workshops are very short (1-1.5 hour) Lunch and Learns, conference presentations, parent cafes, and consultations that present a specific SR concept that an organization identifies a need, a topic for training, and skill building.

The Tree Video

Mom Power uses The Tree as a metaphor to illustrate how parents can support young children’s social emotional development. Watch this brief video to learn about the Tree and how it can help parents recognize and understand young children’s behavior!

The Wondering Response Wheel Video

The Wondering and Response Wheel can help parents respond to children’s behavior and feelings in a way that addresses their needs and supports their positive emotional growth and development. Watch this brief video to learn how to use the Wondering Response Wheel!

Balanced Caregiving Video

Whether you are a parent, teacher, or another important adult, your child looks to you to figure out how to navigate the world. Zero To Thrive advocates for balanced caregiving, or responses to children that are warm and kind and strong and in charge. This brief video provides a more detailed explanation of balanced caregiving.

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"I learned tools to be a better parent. I look back on handouts to help me continue using these Strong Roots ideas."

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"I use the Strong Roots tools, especially the Tree, in all of my work with families."

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“I didn’t really have roots growing up, but now I know I can help my daughter build her roots. By being the best parent I can I am giving her the best chance at life.”

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"Parents find this to be a very user-friendly and empowering program, and when parents on my caseload participate I can see how it really ‘jump starts’ the work we do together through [home visiting program]."

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"This program helps you realize that you have to take care of yourself in order to be able to take good care of your child. It gives parents the tools they need to care for themselves so they can be the best parent they can be."

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"Training in the Strong Roots programs helped our agency and team build stronger connections so that we are able to better support the families we serve."

Please contact us if you are a professional looking for training or a parent looking for a group.