The importance of paternal involvement in a child’s life is well documented. Fathers play an essential role in the physical, cognitive, social, emotional, and behavioral development of their kids. Despite the established significance of fathers, there remain few resources and minimal support available for men with children.
This training will provide a comprehensive overview of Strong Roots concepts and the Fraternity of Fathers program, and allow attendees opportunities to practice delivering program elements in an interactive format.
“The activities...are really cool and interesting and will definitely help you parent and be stronger of a parent to your kids”.
Brilliant Detroit is dedicated to building kid success families and neighborhoods where families with children 0-8 have what they need to be school ready, healthy, and stable.
The FoF group up in Traverse City is run in a collaboration with the Great Starts Collaborative and Generations Ahead. There are currently 6 dads enrolled in the group.
Starfish Family Services and the University of Michigan, are partnering to bring the Fraternity of Fathers program to families in and around Inkster, Michigan.
Starfish's Fraternity of Fathers is a program designed to help fathers think about and understand kids’ behavior and development. Fatherhood Coordinator Eric Donald and participant DeShawn Loggin stop by to talk about the program and its benefits.
“It helped a lot. It showed me that there’s no right or wrong way to parent. It teaches me that, no matter how old you are, or how old your children are, it’s okay to still learn… It taught me that relationships and patience is the most important thing to being a parent. I take a lot of advice that they gave me… I also take a lot of advice from the other dads. Everything they tell me, I just try to stick it into parenting.”
Leelanau County once again finds itself leading the way in early childhood development innovations (here is one recent example) and this time the spotlight is on dads of young kids in the county.
Resources for Fathers