In the News Publications Strong Roots

Dr. Kate Rosenblum’s Detroit News Op-Ed Urges Collective Action on Parental Stress and Support

Dr. Kate Rosenblum, co-director of the Infant and Early Childhood Psychiatry Clinic at Michigan Medicine, recently penned an op-ed for The Detroit News in response to U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy’s advisory on parental stress. Rosenblum highlighted the often-overlooked crisis of parental suffering, noting that parents across Michigan are stressed, lonely, and in need of support. She shared insights from her work with the Strong Roots Parenting Programs, a community initiative aimed at reducing stress and nurturing relationships through evidence-based interventions like the Mom Power group.

In her piece, Rosenblum emphasized the importance of creating networks for parents to connect and support each other. She compared the relationships parents build through these programs to the interconnected roots of trees, fostering resilience in both parents and their children. However, she also noted the challenges in expanding this work, urging for policy changes to ensure parents have access to these crucial support systems. Rosenblum’s call to action seeks to grow a “forest of support” to help parents flourish and thrive across the state.

Read the full article in the Opinion section on the Detroit News Website.

Dr. Kate Rosenblum

In the News Research Strong Roots

Responding to the U.S. Surgeon General’s Advisory on Parenting Stress

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A Q&A with Dr. Kate Rosenblum, Co-Director of Zero To Thrive

Dr. Kate Rosenblum is a child psychologist and co-director of the Zero to Thrive program at Michigan Medicine, specializing in perinatal, infant, and early childhood mental health. With extensive experience in both research and clinical practice, she is a leading expert on the mental

health challenges facing parents and young children. Her work, including the development of the Strong Roots programs, is designed to promote the health and resilience of families, and positions her as a key voice in addressing the pressing issues highlighted by the Surgeon General’s advisory on parenting stress and loneliness.


 Q: Why is the U.S. Surgeon General’s advisory on parental mental health and well-being significant?

A: The advisory calls attention to a public health crisis surrounding parenting stress, loneliness, and unmet mental health needs among parents and caregivers all across our country. Parents and caregivers often feel they are alone in their struggles, but this report will help people see that they are not alone. This report will drive public health interventions and the allocation of more federal resources towards evidence-based programming and other forms of support for parents and caregivers. 

Q: What is unique about the challenges parents face today?

A: Financial stress, demands on parents’ time, concerns over safety in schools, and difficulty managing social media are just some of the things parents are facing today that can contribute to overall levels of stress. And parents today are lonely! People of childbearing age report the highest levels of loneliness, and this feeling of social isolation leaves many parents feeling they have to navigate all of these stresses alone.  The data in the advisory underscores what I hear from parents and caregivers every day — 48% of parents say that most days their stress is completely overwhelming compared to 26% among other adults. From urban cities to rural areas, parents across the nation face significant stress and isolation. 


Q: Why is community connection important for parents?

A: I don’t believe that we were ever meant to parent alone. Throughout time and across cultures families were typically embedded in communities. This is important because ALL  parents need support—parenting is hard, and having others available to offer advice, empathize, or help can make the demands a lot more bearable. So not surprisingly, the U.S. Surgeon General’s advisory emphasizes that social isolation and parenting stress are intertwined. Addressing these issues requires not just individual therapies but efforts to nurture and build strong, supportive communities. Group-based programs are one effective strategy, but broader efforts to create communal spaces and address systemic issues like violence reduction, economic oppression and regulation of social media are also needed.

Q: What solutions has Zero to Thrive developed to address these issues?

A: At Zero to Thrive, we have developed the Strong Roots family of programs. These are group-based integrated mental health and parenting interventions that support families and caregivers. Over a decade of research has shown these programs reduce parenting stress, promote mental health, and build connections among parents. They provide a space for parents to support one another, which is crucial for fostering resilience.

Q: How do group-based programs like Strong Roots Mom Power and Strong Roots Parent Cafes support parents?

A: Programs like Mom Power and Strong Roots Parent Cafes offer an environment where parents can connect, share real experiences, and both offer and receive meaningful support. The Strong Roots Tree metaphor used in these sessions helps parents understand the importance of providing a secure base and safe haven for their children, which in turn helps children branch out and explore, but also build strong relationships and trust, what we refer to as “strengthening the roots”. Mom Power not only provides parents with mental health support and psychoeducation but also helps grow the skills and tools needed to promote their own, and their child’s, health and well-being.

Q: How does your research relate to the Surgeon General’s advisory?

A: In 2017, our research demonstrated that Mom Power, a 13-session group intervention for mothers with depression, could reduce parenting stress and even trigger positive brain changes linked to parental empathy. Brain imaging studies show that mothers who participate in Mom Power demonstrate greater activation of “empathy circuits” when observing their children’s emotions. Mom Power is the first program of its kind to document functional changes in the maternal brain. The U.S. Surgeon General’s advisory was clear: the well-being of parents and caregivers is directly linked to the well-being of their children, and our research supports this.

Q: What are the challenges in expanding group-based programs?

A: One major challenge is the lack of adequate reimbursement for group-based care compared to individual therapy. Additionally, while there is funding for some services, it often doesn’t extend to group support. Policy changes are needed to ensure that more families can access these beneficial programs.

Q: How can policymakers and community leaders support parents?

A: Policymakers and community leaders should recognize the value of group-based programs and work to increase funding and integrate these components into existing services. By creating more opportunities for parents to connect, we can build stronger, more resilient communities.

Dr. Kate Rosenblum

In the News Research

Honoring & Celebrating Selma Fraiberg

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The field of infant and early childhood mental health, both nationally and internationally, was revolutionized by the pioneering work of Selma Fraiberg. A graduate of Wayne State University with a master’s degree in social work, she joined the University of Michigan Department of Psychiatry in the early 1960s. During her time at UM she received federal funding to establish the Child Development Project, drawing on her research with visually impaired infants to support babies and mothers. Fraiberg’s groundbreaking research, “kitchen table psychotherapy” approach, and dedication to infant mental health continues to shape contemporary therapeutic practices. In the late 1970s, she relocated to San Francisco, where she organized and directed an infant-parent program at San Francisco General Hospital.

Born in Detroit, Michigan, on March 8, 1918, coinciding with International Women’s Day (!), Fraiberg is a celebrated author and trailblazer in the field, leaving an indelible mark on the landscape of infant and early childhood mental health. Her enduring legacy serves as an inspiration not only for us here at Zero to Thrive in the Department of Psychiatry at UM, but for so many future generations of professionals dedicated to the well-being of children and families.



In the News Research

Dr. Jessica Riggs Receives 2024 Emerging Scholar Award

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Dr. Jessica Riggs Honored with 2024 Hiram Fitzgerald Emerging Scholar/Researcher Award for Contributions to Infant Mental Health

Dr. Jessica Riggs, Assistant Professor at Zero To Thrive in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Michigan, has been honored with the Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health (MI-AIMH) 2024 Hiram Fitzgerald Emerging Scholar/Researcher Award. Dr. Riggs is recognized for her innovative research advancing the field of Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health (IECMH), with a special focus on strengthening early relationships and supporting research and clinical practices that hold a social justice lens to address racial, ethnic, socioeconomic, and other inequities embedded in systems affecting young children and their families.

The MI-AIMH award announcement included glowing recognition of her passion for the field of infant mental health, demonstrated by her extensive research and clinical expertise. “Dr. Riggs holds a clear passion for and commitment to clinical science, as evidenced by her productive and high-quality research. She thoughtfully addresses health equity and considers culturally responsive approaches to working with and understanding the experiences of families who face structural inequities and forms of oppression and marginalization.”

The award communication goes on to say, “Her expertise in the assessment of early relationships is reflected in the number of highly complex methods she employs in her attachment-oriented research… This breadth of expertise speaks not only to the depth of her attachment training and knowledge but also to her clear observational skills and insight.”

Reflecting on her journey, Dr. Riggs expressed profound gratitude for the MI-AIMH community and also expressed why she feels this work is so meaningful “By allowing ourselves to focus on relationships beginning in pregnancy, and infancy, we are allowing ourselves to see the truth of all things. That who we are matters, even if we are very small, and cannot speak for ourselves. And that no matter our age, we can always reflect and revisit our past, and empower ourselves to celebrate the wisdom that brought us to this space, as well as the power to change what no longer serves us.”

Her commitment to this field is evident not only in her scholarly achievements but also in her clinical practice, where she mentors and trains the next generation of mental health professionals. Dr. Riggs’s work underscores the significance of early relationships, advocating for a holistic understanding of mental and relational health from the start of life.

Dr. Riggs obtained her PhD in Clinical Psychology from Eastern Michigan University in 2019, followed by a Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Michigan in 2021. Zero To Thrive is incredibly grateful for Jessica’s constant and unwavering dedication to the field of infant mental health, her leadership within Michigan Medicine, and the countless lives she touches.

Publications Research

Examining the Link Between ACE’s and Placental Cortisol Dysregulation

Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are extremely prevalent in the United States population. Although ACEs occurs in childhood, exposure to them has been associated with adverse future pregnancy outcomes and an increased risk of poorer social determinants of health, which further drive the risk of negative pregnancy outcomes.


Unlike other mental health conditions, such as depression, which is routinely screened for in obstetric care, ACE screening during pregnancy is not consistently performed. As a result, prior trauma often goes unrecognized, missing an opportunity for intervention.

Additionally, the negative health and pregnancy outcomes associated with ACEs are only beginning to be explored. Gaining an accurate physiologic understanding of how ACEs can adversely affect pregnancy and the health of offspring would provide an evidence-based rationale for implementing ACE screening as part of routine obstetric care. It would also advance our scientific understanding of the biological mechanisms behind the transmission of

historical trauma from mother to child and promote the health of future generations by enabling risk stratification of mothers and neonates who may benefit from early interventions.

In the paper, “Placental Cortisol Dysregulation in Mothers with Experiences of Childhood Adversity: Potential Mechanisms and Clinical Implications” Dr Maria Muzik, Dr. Joshua George and Dr. Courtney Townsel, continue to examine the exact biological pathway underlying this intergenerational passage of risk.

Strong Roots

Strong Roots Mom Power recently gained rating by the CEBC!

Zero To Thrive is very pleased to announce that the Strong Roots Mom Power program has recently gained rating by the California Evidence-Based Clearinghouse (CEBC) in the Depression

Treatment (Adult) Topic Area, where it is now rated a “3 — Promising Research Evidence” and has been added to the Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Programs (Birth to 5) Topic Area, where it is rated a “3 — Promising Research Evidence” 

Read more about initial Mom Power CEBC rating here, when it was first rated as “3- Promising Research Evidence” for the Trauma Treatment (Adult) topic area. According to their website, the CEBC helps to identify and disseminate information regarding evidence-based practices relevant to child welfare. Evidence-based practices are those that have empirical research supporting their efficacy.

In the News

Disrupting the Preschool-to-Prison Pipeline with Universal Pre-K

Decades of research show the tremendous social and economic advantages that investing in early childhood education provides! The article linked below, from Second Wave Media, discusses Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s investment in PreK for All. Katherine Rosenblum, PhD, co-director of the University of Michigan’s Zero to Thrive program, emphasizes the significant return on investment in early childhood education and underscoring, among other things, the work that Zero To Thrives Infant and Early Childhood Clinic does to support early therapeutic interventions.

Read the full article here.

In the News Research

Celebrating Research Excellence in Women’s Health!

Maria Muzik, MD, MSc and Cecilia Martinez-Torteya, PhD, from Zero To Thrive, were honored for their research as recipients of the 2023 Woman’s Health Innovation Fund Award.


Their study, “The role of medical discrimination on racial health disparities in perinatal outcomes,” aims to delve into the critical issue of medical discrimination experienced by Black women during pregnancy and its implications for postpartum mental health, infant birthweight, gestational age at birth, and infant development at 6 months.


The study seeks to assess the quality of prenatal healthcare, experiences of medical discrimination, and peripartum morbidity and infant outcomes. Their findings will serve as a pivotal step towards understanding and addressing perinatal healthcare disparities among marginalized communities.


This award issued by the University of Michigan Health Von Voigtlander Woman’s Hospital, the Woman’s Health Innovation Fund provides resources to physicians and researchers in the early stages of launching important scientific research on women’s health topics. This support

helps to advance the creative concepts and revolutionary studies that could lead to the next big breakthrough in medicine. Read more about the award and the other research project that were honored here.

Strong Roots

Mom Power Added to California Evidence-Based Clearinghouse for Child Welfare (CEBC) Program Registry

The Zero to Thrive program within Michigan Medicine is pleased to announce their Strong Roots Mom Power program has been approved by the California Evidenced-Based Clearinghouse for Child Welfare (CEBC), a nationally recognized body that applies rigorous standards of review to identify effective programs.

Strong Roots Mom Power program is a multi-generational group intervention for mothers with their babies facing high levels of adversity. This 13-week program engages mothers in strengths-based, resilience-building, and interactive mental health support. It offers developmental and parenting guidance, support for building self-care skills, and nurtures social support through connections with other mothers sharing these experiences.

Developed in 2009, Mom Power is the first evidence-based program of its kind to demonstrate functional changes in the maternal brain associated with intervention. The CEBC has rated Mom Power as a 3 – Promising Research Evidence on their Scientific Rating Scale in the Trauma Treatment (Adult) topic area. Research has shown:

•       Improvements in depression, parenting stress, and post-traumatic stress symptoms.

•       Decreased social isolation.

•       Improved confidence and comfort in parenting.

•       Increase in understanding of children’s behaviors and motivations.

•       Increased capacity to reflect on and respond to their own and their children’s emotions.

“Parenting is hard and can be very stressful, particularly for families facing adversities. Mom Power was co-developed with input from parents and providers and offers mothers a community to connect with others who ‘get it’, reflect on parenting, build self-care skills, and share in both the joys and hardships of parenthood.” said Kate Rosenblum, PhD, Professor and Co-Director of Zero to Thrive at Michigan Medicine. “The program is an evidence-based, therapist-led program specifically designed to mitigate barriers to engagement in services, enhance mental health and social support, and nurture responsive and secure early relationships. We are proud to be accepted to the CEBC registry.”

In the News

A pill to treat postpartum depression? It’s here

Dr. Maria Muzik was interviewed for this Michigan Medicine Health Lab story about the new FDA approved pill to treat postpartum depression. The fast-acting pill, paired with psychosocial treatment, offers a comprehensive treatment plan, but price concerns remain.